Vista Hymn

“Vista Hymn”

Thanks and praise to God our Father,

And to Christ His Son, our Lord,

Thanks to God, the Holy Spirit,

Praise the Lord God, Three-in-One;

Alleluia, God Most High,

All who know Your love now cry, Alleluia.

Saints and martyrs round Your throne,

Sing glory, honor, praise to You,

Your creation on the earth,

With hearts freed give God His due;

Alleluia, King of Kings,

All Your holy Church now brings, Alleluia.

Alleluia, King of Kings,

All Your holy Church now brings, Alleluia.

One great people marked with the sign,

Of Christ, the love and life of God,

And through Christ two hearts, God and man,

Are reconciled and all is won.

Alleluia, Kingdom come,

Stay with us, Your Victory Song, Alleluia!
